Introducing our Eye Candy of the month: Julie Soma
In this Eye Candy feature, Julie opens up about the experiences that have shaped her love for fashion, the origins of her femme persona, and the joy she finds in dressing up. Whether you’re new to crossdressing or have been on your own journey for years, Julie’s story is sure to resonate and inspire. Dive in and discover what makes Julie a standout in this community!
Let’s start by telling everyone where you are from?
Born in Silver Spring, MD…I now live in Washington, DC. That was easy…and I didn’t need to use ChaptGPT to help!
When did you first start dressing and how did it come about?
Oh gosh, I think it was in 7th grade or so. My great aunt always wore black leather gloves… and she looked so stylish and confident in them. So I stole them for myself 😉 I honestly don’t know what happened on her end…like did she freak out or not. I didn’t care, I was young and stupid and I just wanted them for myself. Why you might ask…see my next answer. I continued to wear black leather gloves in secret for a while…like through college, then adulthood. Not men’s gloves either…they are way too bulky. But the silk lined tight leather gloves are so sexy and seductive. Panties too…they just felt so good. I would steal them from my mom’s drawer. I guess I was a klepto back then. No way in hell was I going to a store to buy them…now I do several times a year 🙂

How did you come up with your Femme name?
As a young boy I watched the tv show Batman, from the 1960’s. I fell in love with Catwoman and soon realized I didn’t want to be with her, I wanted to be her. And so, my name Julie is an homage to the great Julie Newmar. Her beauty, grace, confidence, charm, enchantment, temptation, and the persona of the femme fatale is what I try to emulate when I am Julie. Soma, is another story. I used to be named Julie Fatale…yes, the femme fatale in me brought that on. But I later became friends with someone who challenged me to go buy panties in person at the mall…at Soma! It was my first panty buying experience in person and that moment stuck with me enough that I wanted to rename myself to Julie Soma.
How often do you dress?
I try to dress 1x/week – I work from home so that helps. It’s never enough though. I have a lot going on in my life so I take what I can get. Every little bit helps and I cherish each time I dress.
Tell us what goes into getting the perfect photo?
I would love to ask you that question! I am still searching for the perfect picture of myself. But, to answer your question, I guess it’s the lighting. It is so important to get the perfect light. I am lucky to have a lot of windows in my house with natural lighting. Also, being relaxed, not trying to force anything. While I do stage most of my pics, sometimes the ones that come out the best are the ones that I just take randomly.

What are some of your favorite outfits/fashions?
Gosh I am all over the place on this one…excuse me as I ramble a bit here. Femme fatale is my goto look. I just love tight fitting outfits. So, leather leggings that feel like they are painted on my legs. Tight bodycon dresses that accentuate my curves. I don’t know what it is about leather but I feel so femme and confident when I wear leather – skirts, dresses, tops, leggings, gloves, you name it. Anything to accentuate my legs (my best asset I think), as I am not dysphoric about my height (6’3″ without heels!). I would like to buy more silk too. I think silk blouses are very sensual. I am more of a fall/winter fashion gal too…spring/summer fashion is just not my thing. I want to exude confidence and grace, with a bit of a dark side. I guess to boil it all down, if you want to buy me anything, just go on StyleWe, I will wear anything they sell.
Stockings or pantyhose?
Pantyhose/tights. As a tall woman it is hard to find stockings that rest as they should on my legs…they normally just go slightly above my knee and that is not good – they need to be higher up. I also hate having to attach a garter belt with my nails…I have had unfortunate issues there in the past. Plus I love how hose can help encapsulate any padding I might use and assist in any kind of shaping. I get a lot of attention wearing pantyhose…there are so many admirers of my legs in hose/shiny tights out there…it’s unreal – but I like it!

Heels or flats?
Heels all day (and night!). And if it were possible, thigh high boots 24/7/365. I know they are more practical, but when I wear flats I just feel as if I am wearing men’s shoes, and I don’t want any part of that. Thigh highs, with my long legs, on top of leather leggings, I am in heaven! I love my platform heels too and sexy black pumps, does it get any more femme than that? I am warming up to a nice pair of white sneakers to wear on casual outings though. If only I could find a cute pair in size 14! Rats!
Favorite places to go when dressed?
Anywhere! But to pick a fave, I’d say shopping as a woman is my #1. To walk into a store, accepted and assisted by a saleswoman is just so fulfilling, validating, and amazing. Having a woman talk to me, asking about my ideas and matching those ideas with hers, confirming what I have chosen is a good choice, fitting me, recommending other things I might like, seeing her smile when I put the clothes on, pulling out my purse to pay for the items, walking to my car with my bags of clothes, shedding a tear of joy as the wind blows my hair and I look back on what I just accomplished. It truly is so amazing. Don’t get me wrong, I love to go out on the town too – especially with other girl friends, that is sooo much fun! I love girl talk over a dirty martini. Chatting, people watching, letting loose. Oh gosh, thinking about this, I want to go out right now!!!!

Go to accessories for a night out
Hmmm, well I love wearing multiple bracelets (I wear at least 6-8), hoop earrings, and I have a really fancy shmancy gold watch (no it’s not real). I need more rings and necklaces though. Damn I need to go shopping! (Wait, now I see why you asked me to become an Eye Candy girl!!!)
Who is/are your female role model(s) and why?
I really look up to women who have either made or are making their transition to live their truth. While I have the courage to go out on the town as Julie (and it takes a lot just to do that), I don’t have the bravery it takes to do what they have or are doing right now and I appreciate the sacrifices, hard work, and tough decisions they have made to get where they are. They are all heroes to me.

Tell us some fun facts about yourself. What are your hobbies (either when dressed or not), likes, things you do in your spare time, or anything else you would like to share?
One fact about me, I ran with the bulls! Not in heels though. That would have been my demise. My favorite hobby I guess is playing golf. Not to brag, but I am pretty good and I do play a lot. It is an absolute dream of mine to one day play en femme. Although, you might not want to play against me from the ladies tees!
Any stories you would like to share about yourself and your journey?
Wow, this journey has been amazing. I have met so many people online and in person and I am just so thankful to everyone. Each experience for me is a learning experience and I have learned so much from each encounter. I have grown so much too, mentally, emotionally. I have become so much more appreciative of women as well. Now I know why it takes so long to get ready to go out! 🙂 Just kidding, but I am serious, this journey occurs on many levels and it is not easy. We need to be there for each other in any way we can. I have been blessed to meet friends from all over the world who have been there for me in good times and bad, and I will offer my assistance to them whenever I can. It’s the least I can do to give back to a community who has been so supportive of me.
I’ll share one recent funny story. A few weeks ago I went to a corset fitting. I had no idea what I was getting myself into…and then…I was asked to take everything off above my waist by the fitter. Um, excuse me! Fortunately, I owned a really nice pair of Aphrodite breast forms (thank you Glamour Boutique!) and they remained attached to my chest rather well while she performed her duties of measuring my chest. Is that what women really do…or was she just doing that to me…I have no idea. Oh well. It all worked out and it was a blast!

If you have social media, what is the best way for others to follow you?
I don’t do social media…sorry. I used to work on a program developing games on the Facebook platform…I learned how much they pull from people unwittingly. That was the day I stopped social media for good! BUT, if you want to find me online, I can be found here:
https://fetlife.com/users/16163572 (or just search for JulieSoma on FetLife)

Before we go, would you like to send a message to your fellow girls out there or a closing statement.
Wow, if I can help anyone with my words here, this exercise will be so worth it for me. First and foremost, we all need to help each other. This shit is not easy. A lot of society has us all pegged as something we know we are not. It is a struggle. And we need help to get through it. So just being there for someone in need when you can is the least we should do. Second, I know taking that step out of the house is so hard…like so hard! The fear can be overwhelming at times. And for good reason. I do not want to be outed, or attacked, or god knows what else either. But you do have options. You do have a community that is in your shoes and they can and will help. You are not alone! If I could be there to hold your hand to help you out I would love that so much! Finally, I hope to one day meet each and every one of you. That’s just who I am, I love meeting people, I love learning from people, and dammit I love having fun with people. So until then, keep growing, keep learning, keep pushing your boundaries, and quite frankly just keep being you. And thank you for reading all of this! I really appreciate it.
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