Introducing our Eye Candy of the month: Candice Starr
Let’s start by telling everyone where you are from?
I grew up in the Midwest and moved to California in my twenties to pursue a career, first in San Francisco and later in Southern California where I have lived for more than forty years. Needless to say that in Los Angeles and its surrounding areas we enjoy very trans friendly communities.
When did you first start dressing and how did it come about?
Honestly, for almost as long as I can remember. My earliest memory was trying on my grandmother’s nylon stockings as a very young child. The experience connected me with feelings that I had never felt before, kind of like the warmest of embraces.
How did you come up with your Femme name?
It’s nothing that I can possibly take credit for but my family, especially many of the women in it, are strikingly beautiful. I had a cousin named Candice and she was all that and more. The name Starr is kind of a burlesque thing as in the iconic performer Blaze Starr. I simply love vintage fashion and burlesque says it all.

How often do you dress?
Well please bear in mind that this girl competes in the Glamour Boutique’s Super Cougar beauty contest category so I need to be a little mindful of how and how often I present myself. That said, there are plenty of bars and clubs in my area that reflect our community.
Are you married/in a relationship? If yes, are you able to share your female self with your partner?
Yes I’ve been married for many years to the same woman… I learned, sometimes the hard way, that honesty is the best policy. Love is love and acceptance goes hand in hand with that.

Tell us what goes into getting the perfect photo?
First, find a trusted retailer like the Glamour Boutique to pull together everything you need to get yourself transformed into your beautiful other self. And look around your area for a makeup artist photographer who specializes in en femme transformations and try booking a session. In Southern California, I work with Gina Jet Ortiz who owns Transitons Makeup & Photography. She is excellent and very supportive. Her sessions are a lot of fun. The photographs of me here are all her doing.

What are some of your favorite outfits/fashions?
I really enjoy wearing soft satins, lace, and when the mood strikes me, PVC and leather outfits. Anything with sequins always works. Ultimately I love to model lingerie. It’s so undeniably sexy.
Stockings or pantyhose?
In keeping with my vintage style definitely stockings, preferably black sheer ones with seams and welts. Nothing is sexier than stockings held tightly by garters.
Heels or flats?
Not even close, heels. Wearing high heels beautifully shapes a leg and derriere. Heels require excellent posture and delicate balance. And when I hear my heels click clacking away on the floor — well, it’s just heavenly.

Favorite places to go when dressed?
An intimate makeup and photography session tops my list. Beyond that anywhere I can blend in and have fun.
Go to accessories for a night out
Well it’s really all in the details isn’t it. The right makeup, nails, under support and forms, clothes, stockings and heels. It’s too bad lingerie isn’t quite going out evening wear because as you can see I simply love modeling it. And yes, I wear a lot of Glamour Boutique.

Who is/are your female role model(s) and why?
I love the vintage Hollywood icons. Hedy Lamar, Rita Hayworth, and of course Marilyn Monroe but my very favorite is Bettie Page. She was the embodiment of vulnerability turned into pure feminine dominance. I included a fetish style photo of me here as a homage to her.
Tell us some fun facts about yourself. What are your hobbies (either when dressed or not), likes, things you do in your spare time, or anything else you would like to share?
I like staying active, anything from hikes to swimming, golf, tennis and pickleball. I enjoy reading, music and films.

Any stories you would like to share about yourself and your journey?
From the standpoint of acceptance, I think we have come a long way as a community, but have a long way still to go. Decades ago there was real public disdain for anything trans. In my younger days crossdressers and transsexuals were depicted in films and television as somehow dangerous deviants. With that went secrecy and hurtful shame for no good reason other than the fact that we were a different slice of life. Now thankfully, there is growing acceptance and indeed celebration even as some seek to exploit us in their culture wars for political gain. I have lived through all of this history, which is still being made.
If you have social media, what is the best way for others to follow you?
I’m not much into social media but you can find me on Instagram at glamorouscandice.

Before we go, would you like to send a message to your fellow girls out there or a closing statement.
I have a real problem when someone, however innocently, refers to LBGTQ as a “lifestyle choice.” That simply is not true. We do not choose our sexual orientation, it chooses us. So my message to my fellow girls out there is that you are perfect as you are. Live into that with joy and love.
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