Our Eye Candy of the Month is Bobbi Vance We’re so thrilled that Bobbi Vance agreed to share her life story and some gorgeous pictures with us. Bobbi has appeared in a good number of her picture contests and always places very high. Take a look at some of her crossdressing pictures and it’s not […]
Eye Candy of the Month: Tami
Introducing our Eye Candy of the Month: Tami We’ve been wanting to share more of Tami with our readers for some time now. Tami has been a great supporter of Glamour Boutique for many years. She has always done really well in our contests – I mean, just look at her, she’s gorgeous! She also […]
Eye Candy of the Month: Tiffany Blossom
Let’s start by telling everyone where you are from? I am a born and bred Michigander! I have lived all over the state and can’t imagine living anywhere else! Well, in the winter I can imagine it pretty easily but I’m still never leaving. 😜 When did you first start dressing and how did it […]
Eye Candy of the Month: Lea Taylor
Introducing our Eye Candy of the Month: Lea Taylor We are honored to bring you an Eye Candy girl who was the runner-up of the Newcomers in the last Glamour Girl picture contest. If you don’t know who this gorgeous babe is then let us introduce you to Lea Taylor. As well as providing some […]
Eye Candy of the Month: Samantha J
Introducing our Eye Candy of the Month: Samantha J Our annual Glamour Girl Contest is right around the corner and in preparation for that, we brought you all a treat. This month’s Eye Candy Girl was a Cougar Champion back in 2014. She has returned for all of us so we can get to know […]
Eye Candy of the Month: Tina Martini
Introducing our Eye Candy of the Month: Tina Martini This month’s Eye Candy Girl comes to us from the other side of the world. This Aussie by way of the UK answered our request for Eye Candy volunteers. Once we saw who it was we jumped at the chance at an interview. She has been […]
Eye Candy of the month: Arabella
This month’s Eye Candy Girl was the Glamour Girl Newcomer Runner Up in this year’s contest. She made the most out of the contest as we knew she’d be a contender right away. Our judges agreed and now here she is, our latest Eye Candy Girl, Jersey native, Arabella. Being a home-grown from our state […]
Eye Candy of the Month: Jennifer Blossom
Introducing our Eye Candy of the Month: Jennifer Blossom This month’s Eye Candy Girl is a real treat. With our Sexy Legs Contest launching, we felt it would be a great time to celebrate a former Sexy Legs Champion. Jennifer Blossom won our Sexy Legs contest in 2017 and has since gone on to be […]
A Familiar Story: Crossdressing starts in adolescence: ‘Eye Candy’ Vanessa
This month’s eye candy – Vanessa Carr This month’s Eye Candy Girl is someone we met recently who is a very active member of the New Orleans LGBTQ community and has some amazing stories to share. Let’s get right to it and meet Vanessa Carr! Hi Vanessa. Thank you so much for sitting down with […]
Eye Candy: Tori Kleckner
Last July, we had our first Glamour Girl Eye Candy Month which featured 4 of our Glamour Girl Contest finalists/winners. We are keeping up with this summer tradition as we get to know more about this year’s finalists and winners. A few years back, Tori Kleckner entered her first and only Glamour Girl Contest. Our […]