When we girls dress, we pay a lot of attention to what others will see on the outside – makeup, hair, outfits, etc. But there is another way more fun side to pay attention to and to make you feel even sexier – lingerie. While some of the lingerie we wear are for practical reasons, […]
Party Dresses for Men
A guide to some fashions for the holiday season The last few months of the calendar year ushers in the party season for many transgender girls. The majority of events our local customers attend are evening events and so our range of cocktail-style dresses for men are the ‘order of the day’. Choose the right […]
How to Organize your Crossdresser Closet
If any genetic woman says their closets gets more messy than anyone than, hun, they have never seen a crossdresser’s closet before! Not only do we have women’s clothes and accessories but also male clothing! We do live the best of both worlds after all! Believe me when I say- our closets can become a […]
Popular Halloween Costume for CDs
Halloween is quickly approaching and it is the perfect holiday for us girls to go a little further with our dressing. While we may not find what we are looking for in a Halloween store due to size issues, we would like you to know that Glamour Boutique has all your needs covered with some […]
7 Expensive Crossdressing Mistakes to Avoid
Whether we are seasoned vets or newcomers to the crossdressing world, we can all make some expensive mistakes. Even after getting some of the basics down, we can still run into costly errors that after all is said and done can hurt us in the pocket book. We are hoping that by following some of […]
7 Beginner Shopping Tips for Crossdressers
If you are new to the crossdressing world then navigating woman’s fashion can be overwhelming. It’s not as simple as dressing for a male. Women have so many choices when it comes to clothing and you need to know the most flattering types of garment that will help feminize your body-type. Being a male, women’s […]
Feeling Fabulous Wearing Garter Belts for Men
Garter belts for men There is a unique tactile quality to wearing a garter belt. The way it hugs your waist and the unique feeling of your stockings being held up in any situation is like no other. Whether you are putting together an outfit for the stage or are looking for a sexy way […]
Valentines Lingerie Styles for CD’s
Tell me what is better to see on Valentine’s day than lingerie and some chocolate? I know, you know what I mean, ladies. Every crossdresser’s fantasy is to be treated like the woman of their lovers dreams on this special day. They want to be swooned and loved like a woman in a romantic movie. […]
Top Hip Padding Solutions for Crossdressers
This product comparison report is for hip padding solutions for crossdressers that include not just padded panties but silicone hips and silicone padded panties. Updated article May 2019. We have reviewed a selection of visitors to the New Jersey location store and online buyers to learn about their preferred hip and butt enhancement products and […]
Guide to Sexy Lingerie for Crossdressers
Every crossdresser loves some cute, sexy lingerie to lounge around in. It is the perfect riske clothing that makes you feel sexy and femme. However, shopping through Victoria’s Secret or your other favorite lingerie store can get confusing. You want to make sure you get in and out of there as fast as you can […]