Glamour Boutique

Top Five Feminizing Garments

If you could take one feminizing garment to a deserted island, which would it be?

In our latest in-store poll, at our NJ showroom, we have been asking friends and customers, if they were allowed to take one feminizing garment with them to a desert island, which would it be?’ The answers were very revealing and all answers led back to one specific piece of feminizing garment that obviously a CD or TG cannot live without.

Friends and showroom customers were sampled at random and whilst the total number sampled was only 48 we believe if we carried out an online poll to a larger sampling the results %-wise would be pretty much the same. The following is the list of garments/items that girls feel are the most important in terms of their femininity when they dress.

BREAST FORMS: With over 44% choosing to take their boobs, this category was far and away the most popular item chosen, mainly because girls felt it was the one item that totally transformed them both physically and mentally. Many asked if they could take their adhesive or favorite bra but even when we ruled they could only take the boobs, everyone still remained convinced they must have their boobs in order for them to feel a complete girl. Over half of those choosing boobs as their most important dressing item specified the cup size or model; 40C was the most popular size and GL2000N breast forms were the most popular model. When respondents were asked about their choice of the GL2000N’s two persons answered they gave the most realistic shape and touch of forms tried whilst one said that as there is a Guarantee on the forms they felt they would have a pair of boobs for life. We didn’t have the heart to tell her there was no mail, phone or internet service available on the island!

CLOTHING: Almost 29% stated a favorite article of clothing, which included dresses, skirts, corsets, various lingerie items and even a petticoat! Of those selecting clothing nearly half wanted to take their favorite dress as that was the one garment they felt transformed them into their en femme self. Corsets were the next largest percentage of clothing selected; one person even chose padded panties.

THONG GAFF: Just over 10% said they couldn’t do without their thong gaff for tucking to get a nice flat front when dressing in figure hugging clothing.

SHOES: Another 10% felt they could not do without their favorite pair of shoes. Of those who chose shoes the main reason was that as soon as they had heels on they moved in a more feminine manner which also effected the wearer’s mood in a positive and more feminine way. Three or 4” pumps were the most popular choice though there were those preferring an open-toe sandal and even one taker for a pair of sensible ‘flats’.

WIG/HAIRPIECE: Just over 6% of those surveyed felt their favorite wig/hairpiece was the defining item that made them feel truly en femme. Of those that chose a wig, it was only one style i.e. their favorite hairpiece. Combined with make-up application those surveys felt a wig gave the biggest change as part of transformation especially when looking in a mirror.

THE REST: The remaining answers included Jewelry (earrings, choker necklace and anklet featured), stockings and sty-ups (but no pantyhose!) and various pieces of makeup including 2 mentions for bright red lipstick. We also had a few comments that we couldn’t possibly mention here for fear of making you ladies blush!

So there you have it, a quick poll taken from visitors to the NJ showroom reveals their Top 5 feminizing garments/products. We’ll look to repeating this poll online in the future to see what a wider sampling will uncover.

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