Glamour Boutique

7 Expensive Crossdressing Mistakes to Avoid

Whether we are seasoned vets or newcomers to the crossdressing world, we can all make some expensive mistakes. Even after getting some of the basics down, we can still run into costly errors that after all is said and done can hurt us in the pocket book. We are hoping that by following some of our simple steps, you can save some money to put towards that outfit you’ve had your eye on.

The most common costly mistakes crossdressers make concern:

  • Breast Form Purchasing
  • Breast Form Care
  • Wigs and Wig Care
  • Cosmetics
  • Corsets
  • Return Policies
  • Online Retailers

Purchasing breast forms that are too big is a very common mistake, especially for beginners. This can cause you to receive too much attention when you are just trying to blend in. It also makes it difficult to find tops and dresses that fit correctly. You will most likely end up purchasing a smaller pair after becoming frustrated with the larger forms. We recommend starting at a smaller size and build up to larger forms as you feel more comfortable over time.

Damaging your breast forms. While we are on the topic of breast forms, it is imperative you take proper care of them. When not using them, make sure to keep them in a storage box so they are safe. Keep away from your pets as the last thing you want is your dog or cat using your forms as a chew toy or scratching pad. If you want to sleep in your forms, make sure they are specialized forms that are made for that as certain forms can break or get damaged while you sleep.

7 mistakes

Not caring for your cross-dressing wig. Just like your own hair, your wig must be taken care of to keep it looking lovely. The wig can knot easily if it is not stored and cared for properly. With regular use, the wig will need to be washed, conditioned, brushed and styled or it will become very dirty and tangled. Make sure to keep the wig stored either on a wig-head or wire wig stand when not in use as it will become tangled if just thrown in a corner. For more on wig care, check out some detailed instructions to help get you started.

Cosmetics – The biggest mistake with cosmetics is purchasing very expensive brands thinking that it is necessary. If you are a beginner, try and find an all inclusive kit to save you some money and until you feel comfortable applying your own make up. Don’t buy too much makeup either, especially if you do not dress regularly as cosmetics do have a shelf life. Most importantly, once you purchase some cosmetics make sure to always keep at room temperature. Makeup can melt in the heat and if not stored properly toxins can get in there.

Corset sizing is super important. Follow retailers directions for sizing and make sure to be correctly sized before ordering. Purchasing one in the wrong size can hurt you, damage the corset and cost you money as once they are worn, most retailers will not accept a return or exchange. Make sure that your sizing is correct and once you receive the corset, follow the proper instructions for wearing it properly. Maintaining the corset is also important so it will last you a long time and not need replacement regularly.

Shopping for your items can be a costly mistake overall if you don’t pay proper attention. First and foremost, make sure that whatever retailer you choose has fair return/exchange policies. Remember, the male body is shaped differently than a woman’s and you may need to go through a few sizes before ultimately finding the fit that makes you feel best. The last thing you need is to lose money on items due to poor policies. Make sure to hold on to all your tags and receipts as well as they are almost always needed for returns/exchanges.

When shopping online, it is important to work with a retailer who offers great return policies, free shipping deals, live customer service, knowledgeable help and coupons for added savings. We cannot stress that enough since here at Glamour Boutique we offer all of the above to the comfort of our customers.

If you are looking for some expensive designer outfits, you should first look in outlet stores or consignment shops as you can save a lot of money going this route. Lastly, ask your prefered retailer for any up and coming coupons or sales. Sign up for newsletters for subscriber discounts and be on top of the best times to get the best deals.

We hope these tips will help you avoid some costly mistakes that are very common in the crossdressing world. We feel that by following these tips, you will have positive experiences and be able to enjoy yourself for years to come.

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