Glamour Boutique

Spotlight on Latest Glamour Girl Entries 2018

What you need to know to become one of our Glamour Girls for 2018

Spotlight on Latest Glamour Girl Entries 2018


It’s here ladies! Our annual Glamour Girl Picture Contest is officially underway. With over 180 entries already entered, we are on pace for our biggest contest ever! For those of you on the fence about entering or looking for some advice to get that perfect picture, here are a few tips, with the help of some of our favorite entries so far.

Before we get started, we know many of you are taking selfies for your entries and if you are, we recently put out an article to help you get that perfect selfie. Here are a few examples of the selfies our judges have been known to vote for.

First off, Amber has done a beautiful job with her makeup application and that is a big bonus. She has also framed her face with a side profile which gives off a better look then a straight on view (this applies to selfies more than other style photos). Lastly, the lighting is pretty good as it doesn’t overwhelm her photo or face. Great job Amber!

One of last years Top 3 in the Kitten category, Georgia returns this year and upped her game with some of the best eye makeup we have seen. What also makes Georgia stand out to our judges is that she enters three different looking pictures every year. Hair colors change, eye makeup and lipstick go back and forth for attention. Showing variety is a big plus!

Amanda is another example of a killer makeup job combined with a great angle to frame her face in this photo. We can definitely see this one being a top vote getter.

If selfies aren’t your thing, ask a friend for a hand in getting a great full body shot. This helps twofold as now you have the ability to leave your home and get a shot with some nice scenery.

Shannon and Tonya have gotten some great shots. One of our first rules is always – SMILE! These ladies have some beautiful smiles and it shines through in their photos. A nice pose in your environment is very important as well as giving the judges a look at you in a natural setting. A+ ladies!


Let’s not forget our beautiful Super Cougars. Tammy and Laura show us that you can look great no matter what your age is. What we love about our Super Cougars here is the colorful dresses and nice scenery around them. Nice colors bring out the youth and gives you that carefree look. Laura and Tammy have proven here that age is just a number.

Some of you are taking your pictures to another level with you Glamour shots. Well, with a contest called Glamour Girls, why not?

Antoinette and Maryann Ginger are great examples of going the extra mile and getting some gorgeous glamour shots. This usually entails a professional photographer that will either come to your home for a shoot or set something up in a studio. We love seeing you girls looking and feeling your sexiest in these types of shoots.

So, with the help of some of our early entry contestants, we hope we have given our ladies some tips and ideas for your entry photos.
Remember we have a category for all of you out there – Kittens (under 45), Cougars (45-64) and Super Cougars (over 64). Each category has a Top 3 with all 3 winning a special prize from Glamour Boutique.

We also put our finalists into a pool for one Grand Champion. Along with their first place prize, the Grand Champion will also have a $150 donation made in their name to the National Center for Transgender Equality in Washington D.C. There is also a People’s Choice Award for the entrant with the most votes on our Facebook page.

Lastly, this year we will be adding something new, where our Top 20 girls can submit a video to our viewers asking for votes as we hit the home stretch. Glamour Boutique is looking to become more interactive with our readers and customers in 2018 and we feel this will be a great start to that.

For all of our rules and regulations, check out our Facebook page.

We here at Glamour Boutique would like to thank all the girls out there who have participated in the Glamour Girl Contest over the years. It is our sincere pleasure to be able to offer you a platform to show off your femme beauty and give our girls a fun way to express themselves. Along with our equally successful Sexy Legs Contest, we have been discussing offering a third contest in between these two favorites. We would love to hear from you. What other contests would you like to see held? A summer themed contest? A Halloween themed contest? There are so many possibilities. Go to our Facebook page and let us know.

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