Glamour Boutique

Sexy Legs Contest 2018 – The Top 10

Sexy Legs Contest: Top 10

Here we are girls. Our Top 10 is here. This years entries had so many amazing entries and sexy legs after sexy legs, that our judges wished they could make our Top 20 a Top 30. When they handed in the Top 10, they said it was even harder as each of our Top 20 girls could easily be in the Top 10. Sadly, we did have to say goodbye to half of our girls, but we have to keep moving on.

So let’s get right to it. Our 2018 Sexy Legs Top 10!!

This year, we had three returns to our Top 10, including both of last years runners up – Kim Rydick and Tawni Bonds. As always these lovely ladies brought their A game and are trying to not onl crack that Top 3 again, but this time win it all. Our third returnee is Nicole Hunter who has been an odds on favorite to be in our Top 3 since we saw first saw those Sexy Legs 2 months ago.

The rest of our Top 10 is a who’s who of former Glamour Girl Contestants along with some sexy newcomers.

Congratulations to our Top 10 and keep an eye out for our Newsletter on October 27th where we will announce our Top 3, People’s Choice Winner and our Sexy Legs Champion for 2018!!

Let us know who you think is the Sexy Legs Champion of 2018 on our Facebook page.
For past contests and winners check out the Contests Page on our Blog.

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