Glamour Boutique

Latest Glamour Girl Entrants 2012 – Take A Sneak Peak


With 2 categories in this year’s contest we seem to be attracting many new faces as well as many past entrants with new pictures. Again, the bar seems to have been raised and if you don’t believe us just take a look at the small selection here or visit our Facebook page to see even more top picks from this year’s contestants.

The 2012 Contest is now officially open and you may send your entries as soon as you are ready. The April 31st closing date comes around all too so don’t put it off this year – get snapping and send in your best picture(s) as soon as you can.

TWO CATEGORIES, DOUBLE THE NUMBER OF PRIZES !! This year we are changing it up a little with 2 Categories being judged so that there is double the number of prizes to be given away. The categories are Cougars (40 years and older) and Kittens (the Under 40’s). Each Category has Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners totaling over $1000 in girly goodies.

We are again keeping the guidelines as simple as possible to encourage as many entries as possible. Whilst there is absolutely no need for professional images, we advise you to ensure the lighting is good enough so that the judges can clearly see features in a full-length pose. If the facial features such as eyes are hidden by shadows or blurred photography then it is difficult for the judges to see you at your full potential.

SEE THE LATEST ENTRANTS – You can view some of the very latest entrants here. These are all great examples of how to showcase your natural beauty. Again, this year we are attracting entries from overseas like Louise from Australia who we feature in this selection along with some other gorgeous ladies including more Vanity Club members. Our thanks as always to Carollyn Olson for encouraging many of her Vanity Club sisters to enter – again we are astounded at the incredibly high standard here on display.

The annual Glamour Girl Picture Contest is now open for entries which should consist of your most glamorous m to f transformation full-length pose. Up to 3 images per entrant (but one is enough) will be received but at least one should be full-length and sent to

Before we go, say hello to these Glamour Girls (in order):

Gina, JoAnn, Karli,

Kathleen, Kimberly, Louise,

Matty, Robin and Robyn

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