Glamour Boutique

Halloween Photo Contest Winners 2013


We hope you all had a fabulous Halloween season with plenty of opportunity to dress up and judging by the number of entries it looks as though a good number of you were able to get out and strut your stuff! This year, although we did have a healthy gathering of witches, vampires, zombies and maids we also have a lot of sexy cops, as many as 4 Elvira’s, pixies, fairies, cat women, nurses and wenches a-plenty. We even had a ‘Lucy’ which was a first and was really inspired.

This was a really fun contest and choosing the winners as always was very hard – take a look at the Top 15 ladies and see how difficult it is to pick an overall winner. Although we judge the Top 10 and the overall contest winner is chosen the 2 runner’s up are drawn from a hat of the remaining 9 ladies so anyone of you could have placed.

Remember, the BIG contest starts in January for the crown of Glamour Boutique Glamour Girl of the Year and details will be posted in the January Newsletter. Keep taking some sexy snaps over the holiday season so you have them ready to send in with your entry in the New Year.

Once again, well done to the winners, Randi, Diana and Joann and a big thank-you to all for taking part. See your 2013 Halloween Winners and the Top 15 ladies below.

Take a look at the full Top 15 and I’m sure you’ll agree anyone of them could have won.

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