Glamour Boutique

Halloween Photo Contest Winners-2011


Congratulations to the Top 5 entrants of the 2014 Halloween Picture Contest – well done. We are amazed at the lengths some of you ladies go to for the Halloween season with your costumes – some you even make your own. But the hard work has paid off and to the 5 Winners you have an email notification in your Inbox if you see your picture featured as one of the Top 5 – each receives a $50 Coupon that can be redeemed at

We hope you all had a fabulous Halloween season with plenty of opportunity to dress up and judging by the number of entries it looks as though a good number of you were able to get out and strut your stuff! Here in New Jersey we were spoiled for choice with the number of parties taking place and we hope wherever you are you were as fortunate.

Remember, the BIG contest starts in January for the crown of Glamour Boutique Glamour Girl of the Year and details will be posted in the January Newsletter. Keep taking some sexy snaps over the holiday season so you have them ready to send in with your entry in the New Year. If you need any inspiration check out the 2014 Winners below.

Once again, well done to the winners, April who hand stitched her maid costume, Denise for creativity of painted face, Josie the Gypsy , Vanessa queen of hearts and Kim the sexy police officer.

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