Glamour Boutique



It’s that time of year again girls – our biggest contest of the year. So, dust off those heels, press your finest frock, apply your finest makeup and lets get snapping with those phones, tablets and cameras. We know you are chomping at the bit to get your entries in so please start emailing in your entries as soon as possible now we are open. Remember 3 pics maximum and at least one should be full length. Remember no naughty nudes and don’t put it off until it’s too late – April will be here before you know it and then we are announcing the winners!

The 2015 Contest is now officially open and you may send your entries to

as soon as you are ready. The April closing date will come around quickly and again last year we had a good number of late applicants that could not be included in the judging due to missing the deadline. Don’t put it off this year – get snapping and send in your best picture(s) as soon as you can.

Last year we had another great turn out from the Cougars and Super Cougars but you little Kittens are harder to entice. As a result we are making a slight modification to the group age requirements in order to make the groupings a little more equal in entries and in the hope of raising up the Kittens. We will also be awarding an extra 3 ‘Special Commendation’ Prizes to the senior ladies group again as we feel the effort made and the standard is so extraordinarily good.

THREE CATEGORIES, LOTS OF PRIZES !! This year we are including the same 3 Categories but do note the slight change in age range. The categories are Super-Cougars (65 years and older), Cougars (45 years to 64) and Kittens (the Under 45’s). Each Category has Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners and we are also awarding an overall competition Grand Champion who will be the lucky recipient of a $300 CA$H prize in addition to their category winner prize.

1st PRIZE for each Category is worth over $250 and consists of a wardrobe selection that includes a pair of our Silicone Breast Forms, Sheer Pocket Bra, Steel Boned Corset, and a Stretch-Cap Wig. You will also receive a full Article with your pictures included in the very next Newsletter after the contest has closed.

2nd PRIZE for each Category is a $150 Shopping Voucher that you can redeem at and publication of your winning entry shot in our Monthly Newsletter.

3rd PRIZE for each Category is a $100 Shopping Voucher that you can redeem at and publication of your winning entry shot in our Monthly Newsletter.

GRAND CHAMPION for the whole contest will also receive $300 CASH in addition to their 1st Place Category prize.

We try to keep the Terms and Conditions of the contest as straightforward as possible in order to encourage as many as possible to enter. Whilst there is absolutely no need for professional images, we advise you to ensure the lighting is good enough so that the judges can clearly see features in a full-length pose. If the facial features such as eyes are hidden by shadows or blurred photography then it is difficult for the judges to see you at your full potential.

The annual Glamour Girl Picture Contest is now open for entries which should consist of your most glamorous m to f transformation full-length pose. Up to 3 images per entrant (but one is enough) will be received but at least one should be full-length and sent to Following conditions apply to all entrants:

ELIGIBILITY – Competition is open to anyone of 21 years and older – entrants do not need to be an existing customer of so please do forward on this Newsletter Article to friends who you feel should be entering. Finalists may be asked to verify age.

SUBMISSION PERIOD – Competition is open for entries from 8am 1/24 to Midnight, April 19th 2015.

HOW TO ENTER – Send your most glamorous m to f transformation full-length pose(s) to the email address up to a maximum of 3 pictures. Clearly mark in the Subject Line the Category you are entering: Super-Cougar (65 and over), Cougar (45 to 64 Years) or Kitten (Under 45).

PICTURE FORMAT AND SUBJECT – Entries should preferably be emailed in .jpg, .png or .gif formats – if you wish to mail in hard-copies please be sure to enclose a stamped-addressed envelope should you want the pictures returned. You should send a picture(s) that represent feminine glamour and beauty.

Note: Please no pictures of an Adult and/or Obscene nature as we blush easily.

PICTURE MODIFICATIONS – Whilst we understand you may wish to manipulate images to reduce ‘red eye’, crop, rotate, de-speckle or use corrective functions to improve contrast, light/dark etc. the following is not permitted:

JUDGING – Main criteria being considered by judges is the natural glamour and beauty of the m to f transformation before them in picture format. Secondary consideration will be the quality and clarity of the image(s). By entering all applicants agree that the Judge’s decision is final. Judging will take place between April 20th and May 15th with winner’s being notified by 5/22 and full results being published in the late May Newsletter.

IMAGE COPYRIGHT – We take it that the submission of your image(s) is a guarantee that you are the copyright holder/owner of the photographs in question. If the images were taken by a professional photographer you must gain their permission and inform us who should be credited in the event you are a winner.

IMAGE USE/RIGHTS – At all times entrants retain ownership to copyright of their images. By entering the contest entrants agree to GB Services/ displaying the image(s) on the website, contest fan webiste, social media like our business Facebook page, online Newsletters and online Press Releases without any fee or payment by way of compensation.

OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS – All entrants agree to release GB Services LLC (d.b.a. Glamour Boutique) from any and all losses, claims and damages that may be as a result of your participation in the Contest.

ENTER NOW by emailing up to 3 images to:

Remember to include chosen category of ‘Super-Cougar’, ‘Cougar’ or ‘Kitten’ in the Subject Line.

Receive regular Contest updates via our Monthly Newsletter when you sign up here:

Should you wish to delete yourself from receiving the Monthly Newsletter at any time all you need to do is click on the clearly marked Un-Subscribe link at the bottom of each Newsletter/Email.

We welcome you forwarding on this email to friends who may be interested in entering.

Good Luck and may the best girls Win !

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