Glamour Boutique

Glamour Girl Contest 2021: The Newcomers

Top 20 Newcomers of 2021

After close to 500 entries, it is time to get to the hard part.  Narrowing each category down to a Top 20.  Our judges tell us that every year all of you up your game.  One spot where that holds true are actually coming from the Newcomers.  There is nothing that looks new about any of these girls as they are killing it with their makeup and outfits as well as the great photos they’ve sent.  Let’s take a look at these beautiful newbies.

Let’s start with someone who made a stir in last year’s Sexy Legs Contest.  She then became an Eye Candy Girl and now she has thrown herself into the Glamour Girl Contest for the first time.  She is also part of the Double Trouble group with a Top 20 finish in the Kitten category as well.  We are excited to see the lovely Kendra.

Kendra isn’t the only Kitten newcomer that is in the Double Trouble group.  She is joined by fellow Kittens, Arabella Rossi, Brianna Marie Saye, Nikki Walcott, Sierra Foxx and Tiffany Blossom.  What a gorgeous group!

The Super Cougars have a Double Trouble girl as well as Sonia Fiore got votes from our judges in both categories.  The Super Cougars and Newcomers better watch out as Sonia looks to be a double Top 10 girl next.

Four Cougar newcomers are part of Double Trouble.  Gina Angelo, Nerissa Holmes, Sara Amanda Jones and Kelli Perry all look to keep their foursome together into the Top 10.

Let’s take a look at the remaining nine Newcomers.  These girls are ready to take up nine of those 10 top spots.  And with it being almost split down the middle it will make for a fun mini competition between these nine and the Double Trouble girls for those Top 10 spots.  Let’s take a look at our final nine Newcomers.

What a great bunch of new girls to make up our Top 20!  We would like to thank all our Newcomers.  We can’t wait to see you all again next year when you will have a year under your belts.  We would also like to wish our Top 20 good luck as we move forward to our Top 10 and winners.  Who are your picks for Top 10?  Let us know by emailing us at or by posting to us on our Facebook page.  For past contests, head over to our blog.


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